• 2000: The Inception

In the year 2000, two physiotherapists, Pamela Frigerio (IT) and Philippe Joud (FR), along with nurse Heidi Markussen (NO), crossed paths during a fellowship with the American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC). It was here that the seeds of a European endeavor were sown.

  • 2001: Uniting Visions

At a subsequent meeting during the Journées Internationales de Ventilation à Domicile (JIVD) in Lyon, professionals from various European countries convened to explore the idea of forming a similar association in Europe. Representatives from France, Belgium, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Greece, and Switzerland came together to discuss the formation of what would soon become ERCA.

  • 2002: Setting the Foundation

In a meeting held in Nice, the executive committee proposed the framework and drafted the statutes for the budding association.

  • 2003: Birth of ERCA

With meticulous planning and collaboration, ERCA officially came into being, registering in Belgium as a non-profit association.

  • 2004: First Congress in Lausanne, Switzerland

The inaugural ERCA congress took place in Lausanne, Switzerland, marking a significant milestone

  • 2006: Building Momentum

The momentum continued with the second ERCA congress held in Athens, Greece, further solidifying the association’s presence in the respiratory care community.

  • 2009: Strengthening Partnerships

In a collaborative effort with ARIR, the third ERCA congress took place in Stresa, Italy. Additionally, ERCA and JIVD joined forces, fortifying their commitment to advancing respiratory care.

  • 2012: 1st Joint Congress in Barcelona, Spain

ERCA and JIVD hosted their first joint congress in Barcelona, Spain, symbolizing a new era of collaboration and innovation.

    • 2015: Joint Congress in Lyon, France

    Continuing the tradition, ERCA and JIVD organized another joint congress, this time in Lyon, France, further strengthening their partnership.

    • 2018: Joint Congress in Lyon, France

    The tradition of joint congresses persisted, with Lyon, France, serving as the venue for yet another collaborative event between ERCA and JIVD.

    • 2022: Joint Congress in Lyon, France

    Returning to its roots, ERCA and JIVD held their congress in Lyon, France, reaffirming their commitment to advancing respiratory care in Europe.


    Looking Ahead:

    As ERCA continues to grow and adapt to the changing landscape of respiratory care, it remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation, education, and collaboration, shaping the future of respiratory health across Europe and beyond. ERCA also ventures into education and offers workshops to enhance theoretical and practical knowledge in respiratory care